
Padparadscha Sapphire is the jewel of illusion.
When you see her, you feel dignified and warmed.
Her captive and elegant light remind you of nostalgia;
as if you had met her somewhere before and it is now the start of something new.


Padparadscha Sapphire is called the ″King of Sapphire.″ In her sole natural environment of Sri Lanka, she is named ″the morning glow off the Indian Ocean.″ Because of her extremely low volume of production, she is the jewel of illusion.
In her light tingled with pinkish-orange, people feel dignity and mercy. Her unique warm light is unforgettable.

Padparadscha Sapphire, Blue Sapphire and Ruby are all made of the mineral “corundum.”
Only jewels having a delicate intermediate color between orange and pink (aurora red) are called Padparadscha Sapphire.
Crescent Vert Padparadscha Sapphire is a recrystallized jewel with her truly delicate colors.

Comparison of Crescent Vert and Natural Jewels
Items Crescent Vert Padparadscha Sapphire Natural Padparadscha Sapphire
Chemical Characteristics Composition Al2O3 Al2O3
X-ray Diffraction Same as Natural Jewel Particular Patterns of Padparadscha Sapphire
Spectroscopic Analysis Same as Natural Jewel Particular Absorption of Padparadscha Sapphire
Physical Characteristics Crystal System Hexagonal Crystal System Hexagonal Crystal System
Mohs Hardness 9 9
Specific Gravity 4.01 3.90~4.01
Melting Point 2050℃ 2050℃
Optical Nature Transparency Transparent Transparent
Refractive Index 1.762~1.770 1.760~1.768
Double Refraction 0.008 0.008
Mean Dispersion 0.018 0.018
Polychromatic Orange, Pinky Orange, Yellow Orange Orange, Pinky Orange, Yellow Orange
Chelsea Color Filter Examination Red Red
Inclusions Solid Phase Solid Phase, Liquid Phase