• y6英亚体育
  • y6英亚体育
  • y6英亚体育
  • y6英亚体育

About CRESCENT VERTWhat's Crescent Vert?


Better Quality Guarantee

Every jewel from Kyocera is guaranteed to be of the highest quality. We adhere to the criteria of the Gemological Institute of America (GIA) for quality control of products. Typically it is very difficult to judge the beauty of jewels, especially for colored stones. Different from diamonds, there is no criterion to judge objectively. Moreover, there is no industry obligation to provide certificates of jewels to retailers or stores. We think this is unfair to ordinarily consumers, thus we provide a guarantee of the quality of all our products.

To create a standardized quality check method, we are now collaborating with the GIA. Owning a jewel is to obtain brightness and happiness. Therefore we strongly believe that we cannot cause customers to feel uneasiness or dissatisfaction. These feelings motivated us to develop a clear method to guarantee the quality of jewels.

  • y6英亚体育
  • y6英亚体育

Standard Stone for color check, developing cooperation between Kyosera and the GIA.

Actions strictly complying with international standards

We strictly comply with quality controls, requirements from customers and environmentally friendly manufacturing methods. In 1996, for the first time in the Japanese jewelry industry, we obtained ISO9002, a certificate for quality control systems, and we also obtained ISO9001 in 1997. In addition, in 1997, we obtained ISO1400, a certificate for environmental control systems. Our motto is “To provide first-class beauty to people all over the world.” Since the birth of Crescent Vert, we have been manufacturing jewels with unswerving passion, and our relentless effort to do so will continue just as our jewels continue to shine.

  • y6英亚体育Statements and Certificate for Crescent Vert Jewels
  • y6英亚体育Proof of internationally recognized authorization (ISO)


Jewellery Inquiries in China

Tel.13916119957Opening hours: 9:00 to 17:00 (Monday - Friday except on public holidays)

Shanghai Xinfannuo Trading Co., Ltd.

Miss Fan Email:[email protected]

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